An Eye For An Eye (A Critical Discussion)

Fair Life Africa Foundation is in support of enlightenment and justice for the best interests of all victims of abuse. Our thoughts are with Kamanzi, Aneela and all their family, as they recover from their recent ordeal.

Grace and Truth

Yesterday, I woke up to a video on my Facebook timeline, that I’d been tagged in, of a child being horrifically abused by her care giver. I was horrified to say the least. I was mad as hell!!! So many bad emotions arose in me, and all I could think of was what I would do to that very wicked woman who had done this unthinkable thing to such a vulnerable, powerless baby!

I didn’t want to be appeased by the Spirit, as He tried to caution me on my emotions and my responses. As I wrote my comments, I felt the Spirit shaking His head, pulling on me to not be so hateful. Because that was all I felt. HATE! Pure unadulterated hatred for this woman I didn’t know for her atrocious acts, without any other information about her. I judged her, and my sentence was retaliation by torture…

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